One-On-One Personal Training

One-On-One Personal Training

Personal Training can help you reach your health and fitness goals. Bodybywillpower specialize in body and lifestyle transformations and use physical training, nutritional changes, and various online training platforms and techniques to help you reach your goals.

In person training allows for a personalized approach to assessing and correcting form and technique to maximize your workout and limit your risk of injuries. It best allows you to understand your threshold in terms of muscle contractions, fatigue, and exertion. It is most suitable for beginning phases of exercise to provide a direct impact on strength and performance.

    • The coaching and training process has a more direct impact with in- person training.
    • Allows for hands-on, personalized exercise techniques.
    • Lessens the risk of injuries, especially for those beginning an exercise regimen.

First Time Training Session + Assessment

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Personal Training 4-PACK

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Personal Training 8-PACK

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Personal Training 12-Pack

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1-Time Personal Training

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Real Work.
  Real Results.

What My Clients Say

Client Testimonials

I’m 58 years old and weighed 183 in January 2004. Beginning of February2004, I hired a personal trainer, Will Crosley, and by May had lost 40 pounds! I followed the plan Will gave me to the “T”. Not once did I cheat on the food plan. I trusted him completely. I just loved being in the gym and seeing my body change. It wasn’t until 4 years later that I actually trained for my first competition. It gave me a goal to work towards, and I am a goal driven person.It’s a way of life for me now. If I’m ever having a bad day, I feel everything is better when I walk in the door of the gym and start training!

Christie Whitesides

Thank you, Will, for your work with training me for my wedding and challenge. I never looked nor felt better . Thanks for pushing me beyond my limit

Cindy Cervantes

Thanks for nailing my diet that helped me win “Novice Middleweight Class” at Lackland Bodybuilding Championship!

Tim Bond


Results are just a click away.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
